UX Design Case Study | ClayLab: Add a Feature

ClayLab Add A Feature Case Study Banner

ClayLab is the leading iOS digital diary to assist ceramicists in tracking their projects and processes. As a hobby ceramicist and ClayLab user myself, I recognize opportunities for improvement and expansion within the app. This case study is a presentation of my proposed feature updates for the ClayLab mobile app. 

My Role: UX Designer, Researcher

Tools Used: Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Google Suite

Duration: June 2023 - July 2023


Case Study Goals


1. Research and empathize with real ClayLab users to determine problems they face.

2. Ideate features to make ClayLab a more inclusive platform for ceramicists using forming methods other than wheelthrowing.

3. Design features that will embed smoothly within the existing ClayLab application.


Design Process

UX Design Process

Research / Empathize


Understanding the User

ClayLab is made for ceramicists, ranging from hobbyists to professionals. Ceramicists use a variety of forming methods that fall under the following three categories: wheelthrowing, handbuilding, and slip casting. It is important to note that these methods overlap, and many ceramicists use a combination of methods. 


User Surveys & Insights

As part of my research, I surveyed 10 ceramicists at Bozeman Community Kiln, my local ceramics studio. l gathered the following insights:

User Survey Insights

Gathering & Mapping Feedback

I used the following resources to gather user feedback:

• App Store User Reviews
• ClayLab Facebook Group
• Insights from the developers of ClayLab​

I created an affinity map of customer reviews and comments to determine common pain point themes. I identified the following as priority user pain points:

  1. The app is not functional for handbuilding

  2. ​Important recordkeeping features are lacking


Competitive Analysis

I compared competitor app features for potential improvement opportunities, keeping user pain points at the center of my research.

Comparison of Competitor Apps



Project Scope & Constraints


Problem Statements

Two researched-backed problem statements were created to ensure user focused solutions.

Priority #1: Ceramicists need features that adapt to all forming methods (wheelthrowing, handbuilding, and slip casting) in order to accurately document their process.

Priority #2: ClayLab users need a faster, easier way to record and store detailed project information in one location, ensuring access for future reference.




How Might We

Using the HMW framework to generate ideas, I brainstormed potential solutions.

How Might We Ideas

Sketching & Planning

Next, I began sketching potential solutions, mapping information architecture, and planning user flows . I challenged myself to develop a minimum of 5 versions for each feature, pushing myself to ideate multiple solutions.

Sketches of Potential Solutions and Information Architecture

Site Map

I mapped the existing product, as well as my proposed feature updates.




UI Design

I designed and reconfigured UI elements to follow ClayLab’s current style guide.


Hi-Fi Mockups

After my sketch and flow ideas were refined, I designed high fidelity mockups of each flow screen. These mocks ups were linked together to create a set of cohesive prototypes.

High Fidelity Mockups



Prototyping Design Solutions

I prototyped three categories of proposed feature updates, providing solutions for my research-backed problem statements. 

• Modifying Stages

• Recordkeeping Features

• Duplicate Piece


Solution 1: Modifying Stages

By adding and modifying stage names, ClayLab becomes more inclusive to ceramicists using forming methods other than wheelthrowing (solution for problem statement #1). 

Before and After of Modified Stages

Before (Left) - Current Home Screen

The existing stages are using terminology limited to wheelthrowing methods.

After (Right) - Proposed Home Screen

By adding and modifying Idea, Formed, and Trimmed/Decorated stages ClayLab is more inclusive and useful to a wider range of ceramicists.

Updated Home Screen Explained

New Stage: Idea

View the input an idea flow demonstration below or interact with the Figma prototype.

Forget Not: Preparation and brainstorming are foundational steps in the creative process. Long periods of time can often pass before an idea becomes a physical project.

Make It Your Own: The new Idea stage is a place for users to input their ideas, notes, sketches, inspiration, etc. for future reference.

Document Your Process: Allows users to record their entire creative process in one location, from beginning to end.


Solution 2: Recordkeeping Features

Currently the Notes Section is a catchall for information not in the user flow.
By adding the following input fields users are able to record important project details more quickly, without the inconvenience of typing in the Notes Section.

  • Forming Method

  • Form Type

  • Decoration Technique

  • Firing Info

  • Selling Price

View the proposed recordkeeping features demo below or interact with the Figma prototype.

Recordkeeping Features: A Closer Look

Browse the proposed recordkeeping features in the gallery below


Solution 3: Duplicate Piece

Duplicate Piece is a proposed new feature, helping users save time and more easily keep accurate records.

​View the proposed duplicate piece feature demo below or interact with the Figma prototype.

  • Copy Past Projects: Duplicate Piece allows users to input a new project by copying the information from an existing piece.

  • Save Time: Enables users to save time and quickly input information for frequent pieces, instead of navigating through each setting individually.

  • Choose Photos: Choose to copy photos into the new duplicate piece or continue without photos.

Proposed Feature Details: Duplicate Piece



Testing Limitations

Due to the nature of these feature additions, user testing is most effective if conducted with current users.​

On account of limited time and access to existing users, I did not have the opportunity to complete a usability test.

 Alternatively, I’ve prepared the plan and script for usability testing. This test is intended to be conducted as a moderated usability test. 

Usability Test Plan & Script


Next Steps & Reflections


Next Steps & Considerations

Share with the Developers of ClayLab

  • I have shared this case study with the developers of ClayLab.

Future Considerations

From my research findings, the following are potential user feedback trends to explore:

  • Glaze recordkeeping

  • Cross-device functionality

  • Further advancements of firing information (kiln, temperature, cones, duration, etc.)

  • Sharing ability between ClayLab users



Mindful of Development

  • Throughout this case study, I was mindful of development teams and the backend work that goes into creating a product. I purposefully created solutions that would integrate well within the existing ClayLab structure, saving time and money.

Refresh, Not Redesign

  • Many UX design portfolio pieces are original prompts started from scratch. When choosing this project, I wanted to design solutions for a real world product. I challenged myself to work within established styles and structure, while finding solutions to real problems.

Final Thoughts

  • It is a rewarding feeling to contribute towards a product that I regularly use. I truly think ClayLab is the best ceramic diary app on the market and it can only continue to improve.

  • I am proud to propose solutions that promote inclusion in the ceramic community.


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